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What’s Stopping You?

Have you ever heard the story of how elephants are trained? The short version is that they are tied down as babies and are not able to escape. As they grow older, the strength of the rope gets reduced but the elephant already believes it is very strong and he can’t get himself free, so he doesn’t bother to get free, he just stays put.

What is really holding the elephant? The imprint of his past experiences on his mind, not an actual external object or circumstance. Does this story resonate with you? Many times we condition ourselves to stop trying as a result of difficult situations or roadblocks we often face. Truth is these situations might no longer exist and the roadblocks are sometimes green screens (not real).

What is fear? False Evidence Appearing Real. Much like a green screen, it doesn’t actually exist but it looks like it does. We need to push through to get to our goal and destination. Many times we let lack of resources (money, time, support) stop us, however it is meant to be the time to think creatively. Instead we should choose Faith; the evidence of things not seen.

If nothing is actually standing your way, what would you do, who would you become, where would you go and what will you achieve? Is it a money goal, a career goal, a business goal, a relationship goal, a family goal, a commitment goal, a service goal, whatever the case may be, you can and you must push through.

No one says it would be simple but with the right mindset you will be able to push through. Reassess the situation, let your creative juices start flowing, start taking necessary steps then step back to see how far you’ve come and all you’ve achieved.

What’s stopping you? No thing!!!